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Race Results

‘; } function genNavi($m, $ii) { $count = 0; $text = ”; $nbsp = ‘   |   ‘; if ($m[‘showages’] == ‘on’) { if ($count == 0) { $text .= $_GET[‘ages’] == ‘show’ ? ‘
Overall‘ : ‘
Overall‘; } $text .= $_GET[‘ages’] == ‘show’ ? $nbsp . ‘Age Groups‘ : $nbsp . ‘Age Groups‘; $count += 1; } if ($_SESSION[‘irunutah’] == ‘true’) { if ($count == 0) { $text .= $_GET[‘ages’] == ‘show’ ? ‘
Overall‘ : ‘
Overall‘; } $text .= $nbsp . ‘Finish Order‘; $count += 1; } if ($m[‘extrasort’] != ” && $_GET[‘ages’] != ‘show’) { $ee = $m[‘chipelapsed’] == ‘on’ ? ‘chipelapsed’ : ‘gunelapsed’; $s = explode(‘,’, str_replace($ee . ‘,’, ”, $m[‘extrasort’])); $nice = array( “gunelapsed” => “Gun Elapsed”, “chipelapsed” => “Chip Elapsed”, “finish” => “Finish”, “split11” => “Split 1”, “bib” => “Bib”, “name” => “Name”, “swim” => “Swim”, “bike” => “Bike”, “run” => “Run”, “tt1” => “Transition 1”, “tt2” => “Transition 2” ); $i = 0; $text .= ‘
Sort By
‘; $count += 10; } if ($count > 0) { $text .= ‘

‘; if ($count > 9) { $text .= ‘

‘; } return $text; } } $db = mysqli_connect(‘localhost’, ‘irunutah_admin’, ‘Weinnov8!’, ‘irunutah_races’); $res = mysqli_query($db, “SELECT * FROM races WHERE id='” . $_GET[‘id’] . “‘ LIMIT 1”); $races = mysqli_fetch_array($res); $divisions0 = array(); echo ‘See All Results

‘ . $races[‘racename’] . ‘ ‘ . date(‘Y’, strtotime($races[‘date’])) . ‘

‘; function fixDivID($str) { $one = preg_replace(“/[)]+/”, “.”, $str); $two = preg_replace(“/[(]+/”, “,”, $one); return preg_replace(“/[^\w().,]+/”, “_”, $two); } if ($_SESSION[‘irunutah’] == ‘true’) { echo ‘Edit Results
‘; } ?>
Search by bib number:  
'; if (!isset($_GET['sort']) || $_GET['sort'] == '') { if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $sort = 'chipelapsed'; } else { $sort = 'gunelapsed'; } } else { $sort = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, str_replace("'", '', $_GET['sort'])); } if ($meta['sepbydiv'] == 'on') { $sepbydiv = 'division,'; } else { $sepbydiv = ''; } $res = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM " . $id . "results WHERE NOT finish='0' ORDER BY " . $sepbydiv . $sort); $mpos = 0; $fpos = 0; $pos = 0; $lastdiv = 'nohaynada'; $ss = ''; $start = ''; if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { $start .= ""; } if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { $start .= ''; } if ($meta['showsplit11'] == 'on') { $start .= ""; } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { $start .= ''; } $start .= ""; while ($ar = @mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { //for each bib if ($meta['sepbydiv'] == 'on') { //check if a new table needs to be started if ($lastdiv == 'nohaynada' && $ar['division']!='DNF') { echo '

' . str_replace('( ', '(', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('(', '( ', $ar['division'])))) . '

' . $start; $lastdiv = $ar['division']; } else { if (str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($lastdiv)) != str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($ar['division'])) && $ar['division']!='DNF') { echo $ss . '
RankGender RankNameElapsed TimeBibGenderAgeTeamPace (min/mi)Split 1SwimT1BikeT2Run

' . str_replace('( ', '(', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('(', '( ', $ar['division'])))) . '

' . $start; $ss = ''; $lastdiv = $ar['division']; $pos = 0; $mpos = 0; $fpos = 0; } } } else { if ($lastdiv == 'nohaynada') { echo $start; $lastdiv = ''; } } if ($ar['gender'] == 'M') { $mpos += 1; $gpos = $mpos; } //get rankings and gender rankings if ($ar['gender'] == 'F') { $fpos += 1; $gpos = $fpos; } if ($ar['gender'] == '') { $gpos = 'unknown'; } $pos += 1; $tpos = $pos; if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $el = $ar['chipelapsed']; } else { $el = $ar['gunelapsed']; } if (substr($el, 0, 3) == '00:') { $el = substr($el, 3); } //get elapsed time and format it. $s = "$tpos$gpos" . ucwords(strtolower($ar['name'])) . '' . $el . '#' . $ar['bib'] . '' . strtoupper($ar['gender']) . '' . $ar['age'] . ''; //prepare to echo the major result fields if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { $s .= '' . $ar['team'] . ''; } //show team if meta['team'] is checked if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { //if meta['pace'] is checked, calculate and show pace $dist = $meta['pace' . str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($ar['division']))]; if ($dist == 0) { $s .= 'unknown'; } else { $s .= '' . getpace($el, $meta['pace' . str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($ar['division']))]) . ''; } } if ($meta['showsplit11'] == 'on') { $gun = date_create($ar['gunstart']); $s1 = date_create($ar['split11']); $s .= $ar['split11'] == '00:00:00.000' ? '' : '' . @date_diff($gun, $s1)->format("%h:%I:%S") . ''; } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { if ($ar['chipstart'] == '0') { $ar['chipstart'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split11'] == '0') { $ar['split11'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split2'] == '0') { $ar['split2'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split3'] == '0') { $ar['split3'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split4'] == '0') { $ar['split4'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['finish'] == '0') { $ar['finish'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $f = 'chipstart'; } else { $f = 'gunstart'; } $chipstart = date_create($ar[$f]); $s1 = date_create($ar['split11']); $s2 = date_create($ar['split2']); $s3 = date_create($ar['split3']); $s4 = date_create($ar['split4']); $fin = date_create($ar['finish']); $swim = @date_diff($chipstart, $s1)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt1 = @date_diff($s1, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $bike = @date_diff($s3, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt2 = @date_diff($s4, $s3)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $run = @date_diff($fin, $s4)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $s .= "$swim$tt1$bike$tt2$run"; } $s .= ""; if ($el != '0' && $el != '00:00:00' && $el != '00:00') { $ss .= $s; if (!in_array($ar['division'], $divisions0)) { $divisions0[] = $ar['division']; } } else { $pos -= 1; if ($ar['gender'] == 'M') { $mpos -= 1; } else { $fpos -= 1; } } //if elapsed time is not 0, show the field. otherwise, take one away from both overall ranking and gender ranking } echo $ss . ''; //close the table } else { //Age Groups echo genNavi($meta, $id); echo ''; if ($meta['showages'] == 'on') { if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $sort = 'chipelapsed'; } else { $sort = 'gunelapsed'; } if ($meta['sepbydiv'] == 'on') { $sepbydiv = 'division,'; } else { $sepbydiv = ''; } $excludes = ''; $exclude = explode(',', $meta['exclude']); $p = 0; while ($p < count($exclude)) { $excludes .= " AND NOT lower(division)='" . $exclude[$p] . "'"; $p += 1; } $res = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM " . $id . "results WHERE NOT " . $sort . "='0'" . $excludes . " ORDER BY " . $sepbydiv . "gender,agesort,agegroup," . $sort); $lastage = 'nohaynada'; $pos = 1; $divi = @mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM " . $id . "div WHERE age='F' "); $prohibitedn = 0; $prohibited[0] = ''; while ($d = mysqli_fetch_array($divi)) { $prohibited[] = $d['division']; } $ts = ''; if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { $ss .= ""; } if ($meta['showsplit11'] == 'on') { $ss .= ""; } if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { $ts .= ""; } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { $ts .= ''; } $ts .= ""; if ($meta['sepbydiv'] == '') { //display overall winners for results not separated by division $topmale = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM " . $id . "results WHERE gender='M' AND NOT " . $sort . "='0' AND NOT LOWER(division)='dq' AND NOT LOWER(division)='dnf' AND NOT LOWER(division)='dns' ORDER BY " . $sort . " LIMIT 3"); $topfemale = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM " . $id . "results WHERE gender='F' AND NOT " . $sort . "='0' AND NOT LOWER(division)='dq' AND NOT LOWER(division)='dnf' AND NOT LOWER(division)='dns' ORDER BY " . $sort . " LIMIT 3"); echo '

Overall Male Winners

' . $ts; $pos = 1; while ($ar = mysqli_fetch_array($topmale)) { $tops[] = $ar['bib']; if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $el = $ar['chipelapsed']; } else { $el = $ar['gunelapsed']; } if (substr($el, 0, 3) == '00:') { $el = substr($el, 3); } echo "'; if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { echo ''; } if ($meta['showsplit11'] == 'on') { echo $ar['split11'] == '00:00:00.000' ? '' : ''; } if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { $dist = $meta['pace' . str_replace(' ', '', $ar['division'])]; if ($dist == 0) { echo ''; } else { sscanf($el, "%d:%d:%d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds); $time_seconds = isset($seconds) ? $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds : $hours * 60 + $minutes; $pace_seconds = $time_seconds / $meta['pace' . $ar['division']]; $finalpace = gmdate("i:s", $pace_seconds) . '
'; echo ''; } } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { if ($ar['chipstart'] == '0') { $ar['chipstart'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split11'] == '0') { $ar['split11'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split2'] == '0') { $ar['split2'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split3'] == '0') { $ar['split3'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split4'] == '0') { $ar['split4'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['finish'] == '0') { $ar['finish'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $f = 'chipstart'; } else { $f = 'gunstart'; } $chipstart = date_create($ar[$f]); $s1 = date_create($ar['split11']); $s2 = date_create($ar['split2']); $s3 = date_create($ar['split3']); $s4 = date_create($ar['split4']); $fin = date_create($ar['finish']); $swim = @date_diff($chipstart, $s1)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt1 = @date_diff($s1, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $bike = @date_diff($s3, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt2 = @date_diff($s4, $s3)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $run = @date_diff($fin, $s4)->format("%h:%I:%S"); echo ""; } echo ''; $pos += 1; } $pos = 1; echo '
RankNameElapsed TimeBibGenderAgeTeamSplit 1Pace (min/mi)SwimT1BikeT2Run
" . $pos . "" . ucwords(strtolower($ar['name'])) . '' . $el . '#' . $ar['bib'] . '' . strtoupper($ar['gender']) . '' . $ar['age'] . '' . $ar['team'] . '' . $ar['split11'] . 'unknown' . $finalpace . '$swim$tt1$bike$tt2$run

Overall Female Winners

' . $ts; while ($ar = mysqli_fetch_array($topfemale)) { $tops[] = $ar['bib']; if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $el = $ar['chipelapsed']; } else { $el = $ar['gunelapsed']; } if (substr($el, 0, 3) == '00:') { $el = substr($el, 3); } echo "" . $pos . "" . ucwords(strtolower($ar['name'])) . '' . $el . '#' . $ar['bib'] . '' . strtoupper($ar['gender']) . '' . $ar['age'] . ''; if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { echo '' . $ar['team'] . ''; } if ($meta['showsplit11'] == 'on') { echo $ar['split11'] == '00:00:00.000' ? '' : '' . $ar['split11'] . ''; } if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { $dist = $meta['pace' . str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($ar['division']))]; if ($dist == 0) { echo 'unknown'; } else { echo '' . getpace($el, $dist) . ''; } } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { if ($ar['chipstart'] == '0') { $ar['chipstart'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split11'] == '0') { $ar['split11'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split2'] == '0') { $ar['split2'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split3'] == '0') { $ar['split3'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split4'] == '0') { $ar['split4'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['finish'] == '0') { $ar['finish'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $f = 'chipstart'; } else { $f = 'gunstart'; } $chipstart = date_create($ar[$f]); $s1 = date_create($ar['split11']); $s2 = date_create($ar['split2']); $s3 = date_create($ar['split3']); $s4 = date_create($ar['split4']); $fin = date_create($ar['finish']); $swim = @date_diff($chipstart, $s1)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt1 = @date_diff($s1, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $bike = @date_diff($s3, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt2 = @date_diff($s4, $s3)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $run = @date_diff($fin, $s4)->format("%h:%I:%S"); echo "$swim$tt1$bike$tt2$run"; } echo ''; $pos += 1; } echo ''; } else { //display overall winners for a race with results separated by division $divres = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM " . $id . "div WHERE NOT LOWER(division)='dq' AND NOT LOWER(division)='dnf' AND NOT LOWER(division)='dns'" . $excludes); while ($div = mysqli_fetch_array($divres)) { if (!in_array($div['division'], $prohibited)) { $topmale = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM " . $id . "results WHERE division='" . $div['division'] . "' AND gender='M' AND NOT " . $sort . "='0' ORDER BY " . $sort . " LIMIT 3"); $topfemale = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM " . $id . "results WHERE division='" . $div['division'] . "' AND gender='F' AND NOT " . $sort . "='0' ORDER BY " . $sort . " LIMIT 3"); echo '

' . $div['division'] . ' Male Winners

' . $ts; $pos = 1; while ($ar = mysqli_fetch_array($topmale)) { $tops[] = $ar['bib']; if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $el = $ar['chipelapsed']; } else { $el = $ar['gunelapsed']; } if (substr($el, 0, 3) == '00:') { $el = substr($el, 3); } echo "" . $pos . "" . ucwords(strtolower($ar['name'])) . '' . $el . '#' . $ar['bib'] . '' . strtoupper($ar['gender']) . '' . $ar['age'] . ''; if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { echo '' . $ar['team'] . ''; } if ($meta['showsplit11'] == 'on') { echo $ar['split11'] == '00:00:00.000' ? '' : '' . $ar['split11'] . ''; } if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { $dist = $meta['pace' . str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($ar['division']))]; if ($dist == 0) { echo 'unknown'; } else { echo '' . getpace($el, $dist) . ''; } } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { if ($ar['chipstart'] == '0') { $ar['chipstart'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split11'] == '0') { $ar['split11'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split2'] == '0') { $ar['split2'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split3'] == '0') { $ar['split3'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split4'] == '0') { $ar['split4'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['finish'] == '0') { $ar['finish'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $f = 'chipstart'; } else { $f = 'gunstart'; } $chipstart = date_create($ar[$f]); $s1 = date_create($ar['split11']); $s2 = date_create($ar['split2']); $s3 = date_create($ar['split3']); $s4 = date_create($ar['split4']); $fin = date_create($ar['finish']); $swim = @date_diff($chipstart, $s1)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt1 = @date_diff($s1, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $bike = @date_diff($s3, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt2 = @date_diff($s4, $s3)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $run = @date_diff($fin, $s4)->format("%h:%I:%S"); echo "$swim$tt1$bike$tt2$run"; } echo ''; $pos += 1; } $pos = 1; echo '

' . $div['division'] . ' Female Winners

' . $ts; while ($ar = mysqli_fetch_array($topfemale)) { $tops[] = $ar['bib']; if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $el = $ar['chipelapsed']; } else { $el = $ar['gunelapsed']; } if (substr($el, 0, 3) == '00:') { $el = substr($el, 3); } echo "" . $pos . "" . ucwords(strtolower($ar['name'])) . '' . $el . '#' . $ar['bib'] . '' . strtoupper($ar['gender']) . '' . $ar['age'] . ''; if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { echo '' . $ar['team'] . ''; } if ($meta['showsplit11'] == 'on') { echo $ar['split11'] == '00:00:00.000' ? '' : '' . $ar['split11'] . ''; } if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { $dist = $meta['pace' . str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($ar['division']))]; if ($dist == 0) { echo 'unknown'; } else { echo '' . getpace($el, $dist) . ''; } } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { if ($ar['chipstart'] == '0') { $ar['chipstart'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split11'] == '0') { $ar['split11'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split2'] == '0') { $ar['split2'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split3'] == '0') { $ar['split3'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split4'] == '0') { $ar['split4'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['finish'] == '0') { $ar['finish'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $f = 'chipstart'; } else { $f = 'gunstart'; } $chipstart = date_create($ar[$f]); $s1 = date_create($ar['split11']); $s2 = date_create($ar['split2']); $s3 = date_create($ar['split3']); $s4 = date_create($ar['split4']); $fin = date_create($ar['finish']); $swim = @date_diff($chipstart, $s1)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt1 = @date_diff($s1, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $bike = @date_diff($s3, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt2 = @date_diff($s4, $s3)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $run = @date_diff($fin, $s4)->format("%h:%I:%S"); echo "$swim$tt1$bike$tt2$run"; } echo ''; $pos += 1; } echo ''; } } } $lastdiv = 'nohaynada'; $pos = 1; while ($ar = mysqli_fetch_array($res)) { //for each bib if ($meta['sepbydiv'] == 'on') { if ($lastdiv == 'nohaynada') { $sn = $ts; $lastdiv = strtolower($ar['division']); } else { if (strtolower($lastdiv) != strtolower($ar['division'])) { $sn = $ss . '

' . str_replace('( ', '(', ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('(', '( ', $ar['division'])))) . ' ' . fixagd($ar['agegroup'],$ar['gender']) . '

' . $ts; $ss = ''; $pos = 1; $lastdiv = $ar['division']; $lastage = $ar['agegroup']; } else { if ($lastage == 'nohaynada') { $sn = '

' . ucwords(strtolower($ar['division'])) . ' ' . fixagd($ar['agegroup'],$ar['gender']) . '

'; $lastage = $ar['agegroup']; } else { if (strtolower($lastage) != strtolower($ar['agegroup'])) { $sn = '

' . ucwords(strtolower($ar['division'])) . ' ' . fixagd($ar['agegroup'],$ar['gender']) . '

' . $ts; $lastage = $ar['agegroup']; $pos = 1; } } } } } else { if ($lastage == 'nohaynada') { $lastage = $ar['agegroup']; $sn = '

' . $ar['agegroup'] . '

' . $ts; } else { if ($lastage != $ar['agegroup']) { $sn = '

' . $ar['agegroup'] . '

' . $ts; $lastage = $ar['agegroup']; $pos = 1; } } } if ($meta['excludeoverallfromages'] == 'on') { if (in_array($ar[0], $tops)) { $tpos = 'o'; $pos -= 1; } else { $tpos = $pos; } } else { $tpos = $pos; } if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $el = $ar['chipelapsed']; } else { $el = $ar['gunelapsed']; } if (substr($el, 0, 3) == '00:') { $el = substr($el, 3); } if ($tpos == 'o') { $s = "Overall Winner" . ucwords(strtolower($ar['name'])) . '' . $el . '#' . $ar['bib'] . '' . strtoupper($ar['gender']) . '' . $ar['age'] . ''; if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { $s .= '' . $ar['team'] . ''; } if ($meta['showsplit11'] == 'on') { $s .= $ar['split11'] == '00:00:00.000' ? '' : '' . $ar['split11'] . ''; } if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { $dist = $meta['pace' . str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($ar['division']))]; if ($dist == 0) { $s .= 'unknown'; } else { $s .= '' . getpace($el, $dist) . ''; } } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { $chipstart = date_create($ar['chipstart']); $s1 = date_create($ar['split11']); $s2 = date_create($ar['split2']); $s3 = date_create($ar['split3']); $s4 = date_create($ar['split4']); $fin = date_create($ar['finish']); $swim = date_diff($chipstart, $s1)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt1 = date_diff($s1, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $bike = date_diff($s3, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt2 = date_diff($s4, $s3)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $run = date_diff($fin, $s4)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $s .= "$swim$tt1$bike$tt2$run"; } $s .= ''; } else { $s = "$tpos" . ucwords(strtolower($ar['name'])) . '' . $el . '#' . $ar['bib'] . '' . strtoupper($ar['gender']) . '' . $ar['age'] . ''; if ($meta['team'] == 'on') { $s .= '' . $ar['team'] . ''; } if ($meta['pace'] == 'on') { $dist = $meta['pace' . str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($ar['division']))]; if ($dist == 0) { $s .= 'unknown'; } else { $s .= '' . getpace($el, $dist) . ''; } } if ($meta['parsedsplits'] == 'on') { if ($ar['chipstart'] == '0') { $ar['chipstart'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split11'] == '0') { $ar['split11'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split2'] == '0') { $ar['split2'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split3'] == '0') { $ar['split3'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['split4'] == '0') { $ar['split4'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($ar['finish'] == '0') { $ar['finish'] = '00:00:00'; } if ($meta['chipelapsed'] == 'on') { $f = 'chipstart'; } else { $f = 'gunstart'; } $chipstart = date_create($ar[$f]); $s1 = date_create($ar['split11']); $s2 = date_create($ar['split2']); $s3 = date_create($ar['split3']); $s4 = date_create($ar['split4']); $fin = date_create($ar['finish']); $swim = @date_diff($chipstart, $s1)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt1 = @date_diff($s1, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $bike = @date_diff($s3, $s2)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $tt2 = @date_diff($s4, $s3)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $run = @date_diff($fin, $s4)->format("%h:%I:%S"); $s .= "$swim$tt1$bike$tt2$run"; } $s .= ''; } if ($el != '0' && $ar['gender'] != '' && !in_array($ar['division'],$prohibited)) { if (!in_array($ar['division'], $divisions0)) { $divisions0[] = $ar['division']; } echo $sn; $sn = ''; echo $s; $pos += 1; } } echo ''; } } ?>